Friday, January 10, 2014

Fitting it all in....Literally.

Just a few words about priorities and making time for what you love...and what you need.

Before I got pregnant, training and healthy eating were always a priority for me, so I never questioned that they would still be so after I had the baby.

What I didn't realize was the challenge that awaited me.  Even as busy as I was pre-baby with Ironman training, full time work and school, I thought I understood the value of all 24 hours in a day.

And then my baby girl arrived....  Even though for the time being, I am at home with her, the task of attending to the needs of an infant is an around the clock job.  Couple that with the expectations we sometimes put on ourselves to manage other aspects of our life in making sure the house is put together, and other needs are met.
To negotiate with little girl's sometimes erratic sleep schedule, and at times, lack of sleep of my own, I had to get creative with fitting in workouts...and heck...even WHAT the workouts were.  Sure I have a jogging stroller, but if the weather is all Polar Vortex-y, I can't take her out in that.  I also have to strike a balance with my already understanding husband, I can't ask him to take all responsibility in the evenings when he gets home.  I didn't think that was fair...

So what's the solution? Indoor bike training during naps has been amazing to help build back the cardio fitness I had before.  The crazy thing is, without the luxury of tons of time to exercise, one tends to be even more motivated to make it count.  So, the baby naps for an hour? No light riding or spinning for me.  Hard and heavy intervals, while tough; are the most effective use of time. I try to use every possible spare moment, even during household chores and while the baby is otherwise occupied in a bouncer to add in lunges, squats, crunches, name it.  Foot of snow in the drive way? Great...let me get my sweats and my shovel.

It may sound silly, but I had gotten a lot of questions on my personal Facebook page about "how I had done it" or "how I fit it in".  My answer is that it is not easy, and it does take creativity and commitment, and it absolutely can be done.  I look at at this way, if I feel good and have more energy; my family will benefit, not just me.
No mom, at any stage of their kid's lives should feel guilty for waiting to be healthy and fit. Period.  It is not a luxury, it is a priority.

Til next time...

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